Saturday, March 6, 2010

It was a Subtle Saturaday

This is my first entry to my first blog...yeah!!!Well today was a warm but slightly cool sunny day.I would have slept the day away but my husband call me around 10am and woke me,which is a good thing or I'll miss the beautiful day.I took my two girls and niece with me to the park.They were playing and I was taking my two mile walk.I started doing these walk on Febuaray 22,2010 and I quit smoking(cold turkey,baby!) on that day too.We went to Jamba Juice grab a couple cool drinks went straight home cause my sister made tuna sandwiches for lunch.My daughter Icie and I took a quick nap and I woke-up to feed my baby who is one.Surf the internet with my oldest looking at how to do certain hairstyle.Here I am figuring I should start writing on my own blog and describing what I'm doing on a day to day base in my life.

So many things happen in 201o for my family and I.Husband got sentence on our daughter's first birthday and he is looking at 30months(2.5years) in was pretty rough on that day,but in end I knew that I have to be strong for our three girls.I'm still trying to get use to him not being here for awhile and I know good changes are coming to our family.Let me make it short how 2010 started out for me.My Mom turned 5o didn't celebrate it big because my husband mother past away 8days before my mothers birthday and in between that time we had alot funeral arrangements to do.It was a very difficult and painful lost for my husband's and his family.I still miss her.Then husband got sentence in February.I'm still trying to get use to be not without him so are his babies.We love so much and hope 2years would get here sooner.It really turned out good for him just for the fact he could have had a five to ten years bid and he didnt.So it was sad that he was serving time but it was a great end for our family,knowing it will be a less time for him to serve.This Friday that just past his older brother got sentence to 78months and we was really hoping the best for him,but it didnt turn out well for him.Anyways that is just a catch up what my life is like.Until then,I will be writing on Sunday'sJourney!

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